FSU Political Science

The FSU Department of Political Science has long held a reputation for excellence in research and teaching. It is a reputation built on the faculty’s shared commitment to rigorous, social scientific scholarship and training.

Our department relies on the generous support of alumni and friends to provide the best learning and research environment for our students and faculty. Gifts to the Department of Political Science’s General Development Fund have a broad impact by supporting a variety of student, faculty, and outreach activities including:

  • student and faculty travel to professional conferences to present their scholarship
  • undergraduate research support and special projects
  • annual student awards, including the annual Charles Billings Scholarship Award
  • graduate-level training workshops on cutting-edge research methodologies
  • an outside speaker series, which brings renowned scholars to FSU’s campus

Gifts to the General Development Fund are crucial to our department’s teaching and research mission, and we thank you for your generous and continued support.

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Political Science General Development Fund (F04805)

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FSU Foundation

Questions? Contact:
Department of Annual Giving

(850) 644-2822 annualgiving@foundation.fsu.edu

The safety and security of your gift are of utmost importance to our organization. To help offset credit card merchant fees, and as a safeguard to possible fraudulent activities, the FSU Foundation has a $5 minimum for online donations.

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