Help Empower Students' Career Success

At the Career Center, we are dedicated to supporting thousands of students each year in their journey towards discovering their passions and achieving career success. With a wide range of resources including personalized career advising, interactive employability skills workshops, realistic mock interviews and a comprehensive career development course, we equip students with the tools they need to thrive after graduation.

By contributing today, you can join us in empowering FSU students and alumni with the essential resources to navigate a successful transition to their next chapter. Your gift will make a meaningful impact on their professional journeys.

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Career Center (F06623)

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FSU Foundation

Questions? Contact:
Department of Annual Giving

(850) 644-2822

The safety and security of your gift are of utmost importance to our organization. To help offset credit card merchant fees, and as a safeguard to possible fraudulent activities, the FSU Foundation has a $5 minimum for online donations.

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