Jim Moran College of Entrepreneurship
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Jim Moran College of Entrepreneurship (F08224)
This fund supports the overall enhancement of the college and the Jim Moran Institute for Global Entrepreneurship.
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JMC Student Engagement (F08313)
Your gift will support student engagement opportunities within the college.
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JMC Dean General Use Fund (F08907)
Your gift will support overall enhancement and well-being of the college.
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Center for Retail Entrepreneurship (F03030)
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Entrepreneurship Bootcamp for Veterans (F07161)
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Jim Moran Institute for Global Entrepreneurship Operating Account (F07210)
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Ashleigh Marsh
Director of Development
Jim Moran College of Entrepreneurship
The safety and security of your gift are of utmost importance to our organization. To help offset credit card merchant fees, and as a safeguard to possible fraudulent activities, the FSU Foundation has a $5 minimum for online donations.