Forever FSU Buy-Back Program
Think you may have missed a year? That’s okay, you can buy what you missed through our Forever FSU buy-back program.
There’s just a few rules to follow:
- You cannot buy back years prior to your first charitable gift made to the FSU Foundation. For example, if your first gift was made in 2013, you can only buy back years between 2014 and now.
- There is a suggested donation of $25 per year missed.
- You can buy back as many years as you like, as long as they are after your first year of giving.
If you have any questions and want to discuss the buy-back program, email or give us a call at (850) 644-1485.
Ready to buy back?
College of Applied Studies at FSU Panama City (F07568S)
College of Arts and Sciences (F00214)
College of Communication and Information (F01704)
College of Criminology and Criminal Justice (F01802)
College of Health and Human Sciences (F02928)
College of Motion Picture Arts (F04002)
College of Social Sciences and Public Policy (F04808)
Dedman College of Hospitality (F00990)
Jim Moran College of Entrepreneurship (F08224)
Alumni Association Legacy Scholarship Fund (F06555)
The Ringling Museum of Art (F06239)
Undergraduate Studies Program (F06498)
University's Greatest Need Fund (F07373)
The Women for Florida State University (F07388)
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Forever FSU
Donor Relations
Division of University Advancement
The safety and security of your gift are of utmost importance to our organization. To help offset credit card merchant fees, and as a safeguard to possible fraudulent activities, the FSU Foundation has a $5 minimum for online donations.