Haywood O. Taylor Endowed Scholarship

Come on, Let’s get ‘em, NOLES!!!

Haywood Taylor was known for engaging people in friendly warfare, particularly over FSU football. A banker for most of his career, he enjoyed giving back to his community until his death on July 24th, 2021. Haywood graduated from Sebring High School in 1946 and served in the United States Air Force from 1946-1949. During his attendance at FSU, starting in 1949, he was a member of Delta Tau Delta and the honorary academic fraternity Alpha Kappa Psi. He graduated in 1953 with a degree in accounting and business management. Haywood raised a family in his hometown of Sebring where he was also a Rotarian and member of many other community service organizations. He was a founding member of the Highlands Seminole Booster club around 1982. In 1993 Haywood seeded the pot to create the Haywood O. Taylor endowed scholarship. The first scholarship was awarded in 1995 and today the endowment awards three deserving students each year with scholarships to attend Haywood’s beloved FSU. Over $125,000 has been awarded through the endowment. The Highlands Seminole club, the whole FSU Seminole community, and his endearing family will miss him and his commitment and drive. Contributions to this endowment will continue to keep Haywood’s passion alive.

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Highlands Seminole Club Scholarship/Haywood O. Taylor Endowed Scholarship Fund (Spendable) (F06837S)

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