Student Affairs
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Student Life Fund (F06920)
Your gift will support the overall enhancement and development of Student Affairs initiatives at Florida State.
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Family Fund (F06643)
Gifts to this fund support Student Affairs programming and services dedicated to maximizing learning and enhancing the quality of student life.
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FSU Food Pantry Expansion Fund (F09514)
Gifts to this fund support the expansion of the Student Emergency Food Pantry at Florida State, so it can provide food for more students, build community and provide additional services to students in need.
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Additional Funds
Campus Recreation - General Development (F06701)
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Career Center ProfessioNole Clothing Closet (F09092)
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Center for Global Engagement - Development Fund (F07018)
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Center for Leadership and Service Development Fund (F06631)
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Counseling and Psychological Services Development Fund (F06944)
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Division of Student Affairs - Student Emergency Fund (F08909)
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FSU Flying High Circus Expansion Project Fund (F08911)
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Student Government General Development (F07109)
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University Health Services Family Fund (F07248)
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Alanna Kibiloski
Director of Development, Student Affairs
Constituent Programs

Takila Toston
Associate Director of Development
Student Affairs
The safety and security of your gift are of utmost importance to our organization. To help offset credit card merchant fees, and as a safeguard to possible fraudulent activities, the FSU Foundation has a $5 minimum for online donations.